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Windows 10 på Raspberry Pi 2



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Microsoft gick ut med information om att Windows 10 (En speciell version) kommer stödjas på Raspberry Pi 2 . Detta öppnar möjligheter för automatisering av hemmet med Windows på billiga enheter! Versionen kommer att bli gratis för hemmafixare genom programmet ”Windows Developer Program for IoT”.

We’re excited to announce that we are expanding our Windows Developer Program for IoT by delivering a version of Windows 10 that supports Raspberry Pi 2. This release of Windows 10 will be free for the Maker community through the Windows Developer Program for IoT.

We see the Maker community as an amazing source of innovation for smart, connected devices that represent the very foundation for the next wave of computing, and we’re excited to be a part of this community.

Källa: Microsoft

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